So here I am again in Kings Cross, bloody marvelous I say. This place is starting to feel like home. Once again I'm in the same hostel in the same room. I'm not gonna moan though I kinda like this place. It's clean and the people here are cool. The Irish lads have gone so it seems quieter about the place and there are a lot of new faces, of course a lot of the old ones are there too. My room had new people in too, 3 English lads and fucking German couple. The first thing I needed to do was head out and get some phone credit, so off I went looking for crazy john's, this is the phone shop I need. I left to the hostel at 10am and was lost by 10:15. Well I kind of knew where I was but for shit I could not find the shop I wanted. I was walking around for an hour and a half until I found it. When I was sorting it all out and chatting to the fella that works there he said you could have gone anywhere and done this. I was well fucked off, but at least I got out for a bit and saw more of Sydney. Anyway when I got back I bumped in to Manon, she is a Dutch girl that's at the hostel. We decided to that a night out is in order. We got sorted out have a slab in the hostel and went out clubbing. Back to the hostel at like 2ish and a few people were still up so we had a few drinks and something to eat while watching tv. I wanted to stay up as the footie and rugby was on. Man U v Bolton and England v Ireland. Manon was kind of awake. I think she managed the first half and went to bed. I finished the footie and feel asleep on the sofa. I woke up to what's her face was putting food on me while I was asleep. I will get revenge. I missed the rugby and hit the sack.
The next day I did fuck all. The Irish lads popped over to say hello before I left again and I watched a some tv, got a subway with Lee for dinner then later on I chilled and watched a film with Manon. I had to be up at like 7 to get the train to Yass so couldn't be a late one.
So I get up get sorted and jump In a taxi to central station so I can hop on this train to Yass. Nearly 4 hours it took to get there, could have done it in an hour but the trains are slow as fuck out here. But I didn't care. I could not wait to go live in the bush and see how things are done out there. This is what I came over for to see shit and do shit I can't do at home.