Chiang Mai Pt. I

14.June 2008 - CHIANG MAI

So I'm here in Chiang Mai -- God, this new blog thing is so much better and so much easier.

Chiang Mai SO much nicer than Bangkok. I love this city (the few feet that i've travelled in these two days). I arrived yesterday and I'm not in the main city of ChiangMai but I'm in the richer chi-chi area, and there are beautiful boutiques with western coffee shops and nice local clubs.

Last night I went out to this place called Warm Up which was really nice. It's a Thai local club for the young bourgeois here and it was really nice to see how Thai people party. The girls' outfits are insanity. And so much makeup. I think that Chiang Mai could be the headquarter of my makeup conglomerate.

They also have really nice all-natural juice bars, with wheatgrass and everything. I apologize in advance if sentences don't make sense and if I'm not witty. I can't think at all with the heat here.

The hostel that I'm staying at is just a house with a bunch of people. There's a huge group of brits here and they are the stereotypical cliquey, annoying, loud spoiled kids. Hopefully I warm up to them soon. But they honestly make it like it's a high school here.

To those of you who have sent me emails/msgs, thank you! I miss you all -- and even though I've only been away for 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to coming back to see you.
