By the way

09.March 2010 - Adelaide

Me again,

I am not sure if I should write in english but I thought it´s time to start something new.
I left Melbourne 3 days ago after I stayed there for almost 2 weeks. Melbourne itself is a really
nice and relaxed metropole, the most european I have seen in Oz. To be honest I am sad
that I have been there for a short time only. I hadn´t the money for doing big trips, but I saw a lot of the
city, felt the lifestyle and met a few new/old friends. It was a great time at all. During my stay I
was searching for a cheap alternative to travel to Adelaide. Fortunately I found 2 other danish
backpackers who were willing to give me a lift. Now I am just arrieved in Adelaide. We ´ll be here
for 3 days only but anyway here is nothing to see or to do so I don´t care. My flight is going to Perth
on thursday, the next big step on my journey. By the way I am travelling without Lukas from now on. He is going to work around Melbourne and afterwards he´ll meet somebody "special" to spend the rest of his trip in Brisbane.
Yeah, hopefully I get work in Perth before my money runs out. Otherwise you´ll see me again in between the next weeks.
Besides I write some about the last 2 days. We drove along the Great Ocean Road where we have seen wildliving Koalas as well as Emus and Kangoroos beside the way. Of course we stopped for taking some pictures at one of the most famous
nature-sightseeing in Australia, the 12 Apostels. Unfortunately it was cloudy and the sun was setting down.
But we were lucky that it didn´t started to rain. We have got it on the next day anyway. The tent was just builded up and we started cooking our dinner when the weather started to change. In the end we all tried to sleep in the car because even the matress inside the tent was wet.
It wasn´t that easy falling asleep with 4 people inside. The morning was still rainy that we packed all the stuff as soon as possible and drove to Adelaide. Oh, before I forget we stopped in "Hahndorf". Hahndorf is a village around 26km outside of
Adelaide, by the way is it a German village. I read something about it in the lonely planet and we decided to drive over there. I have to say that it
might was a German village in the past but actually it is just a tourism village with German origin. But it was nice to see anyway.
So I´ll try to keep up with the time but that is it for now. Hopefully everyone can understand what I have written and those who are able to correct me, please don´t.
It is my first text in english so please keep the mistakes =)

So long,
