leaving for cuba

28.February 2009 - Havanna

By now I'm sitting in the plane going to Havanna, and I have to admit, against all expectations, AirFrance is not as bad as I thought it would be. Of course there was the Croissant (who eats that stuff??), but besides that the food was awsome. And we even have our own little flat screen to watch movies or even play games.
Getting to the Airport in Frankfurt on the other side was stress! First my parents started a discussion about the allowed weight your suitcase can have (not like I travel regulary...), and I actually had to go online and show them that you could bring more then 1 suitecase and 20kg, and after that they denied me driving the car. In case I crash the car on the way to the airport. Well, good thing my dad was driving, when he got flashed for driving too fast ;).
I, on my behalf, decided that it was time to relax. I'm on vacation for all it's worth. So I opend my bottle of campagne and cheered to myself.....let the adventure begin! :)