looking for Cristobal Colon

08.March 2009 - Havanna

I used the day off yesterday to go and explore the city. I vaguely took a look at the map and saw somthing that looked like a park. It was named after Christopher Columbus. Well that sounds nice, I thought, and started my way to find it. 4h later, after going through some not so nice parts of Havana (but this time I actualy never felt unsecure), I found it. Or better, I found out, what it realy was! A cemetery! Nice one Tina! But it was beautiful anyways, also I didn't dare and go inside (which I could have, which I found out later).
Today I woke up half past nine, like always....so I thought. When I came up to the breakfast roomm everything was cleared away. What? No breakfast today? But that is the only reliable food source I have! The waiter than kindly explained me, that last night the time was changed in Cuba, so it wasn't 10am, but 11am, which ment: end of breakfast time. Shit! Good thing, that it was weekend and I actualy had time to go out and eat instead.
I even found a realy good location with fresh Guayaba juice, which made it up for the missed breakfast. Guayaba (Guave in german) is one of the typical fruits here. I was actualy hoping for Platanos (Kochbananen), but since they had so many Hurricans over here last year, almost all of the banana trees are gone :(