Thursday night I decided to meet up with Peter and some of his friends. Peter is an American whom I met back in Boulder. He is friends with my hostfamily as well and therefore we actuylly traveled together before. He happened to be in Havana on an exchange student visa from NYU shooting some films and studying.
So thursday somehow we came up with the idea that it would be awsome to go out to a club where all the rich kids from cuba are going to. That should turn out to be a bad decision. First of all we had to pay 5CUC entrance, which usually gives you two drinks with it, but not at this place, and after we paid that, we found out that drinks where incredibly expensive.
It was very dark in there and dirty (and with that I mean disgustingly dirty) and they even only played american music, while on the other hand no one was dancing. That wasn't just stranged, but seemed wrong in my mind, so we just started dancing on thlittle dancefloor anyways. I would have guessed, that eventualy some guys would come up to us to dance with the girls, but also they did start dancing after a while, no guy asked a girl to dance, that they didn't know before. Partly reason seemed to be that most of the girl where hookers (for real!), wearing there "I-can-bearly-cover-my-ass-dresses" or there "you-can-see-my-but-crack-jeans".
So not to late we decided to leave the club, only problem: someone ordered drinks at our table that we didn't drink and therefore didn't want to pay. I actually started discussing with the security guy and didn't even mind him throwing around words like "policia", but my american friends got a little scared and decided to pay the bill and storm off.
Friday, sadly, was my last day at school. Osvaldo, my spanish teacher finished off with a hymn praising my spanish skills and gladly recived his present off spanish books and a bottle of good old havanna rum. And of course, I had to say goodbye to Yohan, my dance teacher. He even gave me a goodbye present. very sweet. I even filmed my last dance, which you can see under:
Friday night I got invited to the theater by Yohan. He had his opening night for a show and I went to see him dance. and I have to say, I was amaced by how much i understood.
I even met up with a friend from germany, who happened to be in Havana at the same time, to join me for the show.
But the realy adventures part of that day was still waiting on me. I came back to my Hotel around midnight, asking for my room keys. "They are not here." was all they told me. Excuse me what? Where are they. The receptionist didn't realy seem to care, so it was up to me to find out what happened to my room. I opened the unlocked door slowly....and there was a man lying in my bed!!!! It actualy took my a couple seconds to realize, that this man was my father. Someone from there group couldn't get a hotel room for the night, so my parents offered the girl to stay with us. Since I was out and my parents didn't know when I was going to come back, my mom decided to share her room with the other woman and send my father off to mine. Well good to know, that they give out keys to people with the same last name in cuba!
After 3 hours of sleep, I was told to raise and shine by my alarm clock in order to catch my flight to Holgín. This was the part of the trip, that I will share with my parents and probably some bumpy roads.
So today we hit the road with our rental car, and by hitting I mean hitting. Most of the roads are bad and filled with wholes, but there are other ones that are even worse and make you decide whether you want to slice the bottom of your car open, or slide into a ditch. Well, at least some adventure :)