Culture Days

16.September 2013 - Brisbane

Yesterday was kind of boring. I just walked around with some guys I met here. Nothing special that day.

Today did I get up at 7 and was at 10 as one of the first visitors in the Museum of Modern Art. After about 2 hrs did I move over to the Museum of Queensland where I soent about one and a half hour. Do not think that I run threw the Museums! They are big, but not very full.
I saw such a lot of expensive stuff. Now I know where to go when I have money bu no idea what to do with it.
As I were bored I went over to "Valley" the area of Brisbane in which most bars and ckubs are located, as well as sczene clubs. Luckily did I find a post office there because I have totally forgotten that I got some postcards. They are on the way now as well as the printed pictures of my dive course at Great Barrier Reef.
The walk to valley was very interesting. I took the way at the river and there were so many restaurants I could try to find some work at, really cool :P Moreover there is a Bavarian Restaurant!! :D
To get back to the hostel did I choose the river taxi. 4.8$ for 3 stations is expensive I think but I walked so much there that I decided it would be easier and more comfortable to take that way ;) Furthermore it was faster xD
All in all did I walk around from 9:30am to 4pm.... now my feet are dead :D
What is important to know: it was rainy the whole day. It didn't rain all time but time by time a little bit xD