Bad Luck

05.December 2013 - Brisbane

Hey Guys, new updates?.
I finally found a way to update my blog. The following text should been uploaded 2 weeks ago:
?I knew that I always have bad luck but I didn?t expect it that often?.
I took Andy to his most favourite restaurant on Thursday night before he left because I were on a double that Friday and he started work at 11pm so we wouldn?t see again. After I brought him to work did we cuddle for ?the last time for a month? ? is what he thought but not me because I wanted to surprise him. Anyway ? I went to work on Friday and when I came back couldn?t I sleep for hours because it was a very warm and humid air. Unfortunately did 2 Germans arrive that day and when they came back (maybe 15 mins after I finally fall asleep at 3am) were they so fucking loud ? probably loud like elephants. So I were awake again and couldn?t sleep directly. Finally did I have like 2 or 3 hrs of sleep that night because I got up at 5 to catch the train to the Airport to surprise Andy. ? His phone was broken after an update. He told me on my way back to Hostel from work ? What I did not know: He called in sick during work and went home to fix his phone and caught a cab at 6 to the Airport, an hour earlier than I thought and went at 7am threw the securities. I arrived at 7:03am at the airport, went to his check-in to wait for him. At 7:05am did he call me and told me and he were not allowed to come back?.. Although we could see each other and had a talk for the whole 3-1/2 hrs until boarding did I feel sooo bad?..
Back at hostel couldn?t I really sleep and were really pissed when I went to work and the first thing I should do was: clean a sink from puke?. No comments?.
That was probably the worst shift I ever had.
My Bad luck continued when I got 2 italian guys on my room?
The whole staff went to a bar after work on last Sunday to say good bye to 6 staff member and we celebrated the whole night. I arrived at hostel at 4 but stayed awake until 5:30am to call Andy a last time before he goes on his cruise. At 8:30am in the morning did these jerk offs get up and talk to each other in Italian so fucking loud, were calling anyone and they are kind of running a marathon in the room while they are having a chat on the phone ? wtf?!?!?! Anyway, my night was destroyed again.
On Thursday did Douglas and I go to the cinemas to watch Bad Grandpa. An amazing movie! I went some hrs earlier to the cinemas to get the tickets because I didn?t know if it was busy like hell when we would go. Unfortunately did it rain very heavy and although I were wearing my rain jacket became even my shirt wet. I bought the tickets and made all the back to train station to notice that this dump fuck of cinemas staff sold me tickets for the 12:50pm session instead of the 3pm session what I clearly said. I had to go back, still during rain and told the same woman: ?Hey, I told you I would like to have tickets for the 3pm session? and dropped the wrong tickets in front of her that she could read them and she said: ?Oh yeah, for sure. Which movie?? ?So Adult, 3pm, and which movie?? ??. I really really wanted to have a chainsaw or anything in that second because I were talking fucking clearly, were fucking wet and SHE CAN?T LISTEN TO ME!!!!! AAAAAAAAARGH
I just wanted to call Andy that night because they docked in Mexico but the Wireless didn?t work well. So we couldn?t have a chat.
Luckily did I have a good shift on friday. And I had a lot of fun going out with some co-workers after work and we went home at 5am in the morning. For sure did this dump fuck Germans get up at 9am and the Italian jerk offs at 10am so again a fucking short night. Then did I go to McDonalds to eat the fattest burger they have and that was wrong because I had this massive hangover and didn?t feel well. When I left the hostel fall one of this massive palm tree leafs on the ground like 2sec after I passed that place, a dickhead in the train punched randomly another guy although there were securities in the train which knocked him down instantly, in front of the restaurant, 10sec before I wanted to cross the street did couple of cars nearly crash very bad, that was bloody close, I had to work with a massive headache and it was fucking busy, even more busy than the busiest Friday I guess, although Saturday is the calm day of the weekend and when I wanted to release the lock from a keck did I cut of plenty of my skin on my finger because I couldn?t see that the plastic lock under the handle which must be pushed up to release the air pressure was broken and because it is hard and sometimes very difficult to release did I punch it up with my had and yeah, there went my skin of, yeah?.. I just thought that day couldn?t become worse but this German guy who is sleeping in the bed over mine brought a bitch to hostel and this fucking chick pissed herself during night and because the mattress of them were drained did all the shit drop on my bed^^ That happened like one hour after I fall asleep. And because it is disgusting to sleep in a wet bed did I just go up to the cinema room and had some hrs of sleep on that couch^^
Honestly: How can one single human have so fucking much bad luck?! Please, anyone, tell me!!
I really want my babe back?.
Oh and after I wanted to post this message did the fucking internet collapse and I had to write the whole shit a second time, of cause!
I really can?t wait to go to work or back to Hostel?. ?

Well, luckily is Andy back and I already move in with him. So my times in hostels are probably ended. We are both very excited but it is the right move.
What else to say about the last weeks? Well, I managed it to fuck my body a little more up than it was anyway xD I just did some extra work in the DB Schenker warehouse where 3 cowaorkers and me had to check beer bottles (Maxx Blonde) by valid date and to replace if out of date: 64 paletts, each 50 packages, each 3 promotion boxes, each one MB bottle! My hands are fucked up because of the paper packages and my back is fucked from lifting all that shit^^ And yeah, a week before Andy returned did I get sick with some common cough and coldness. Running nose while working is awesome xD But luckily was like everyone in restaurant ill?.
But we are healthy again and now, as I stay at Andys do I feel so much better ;)

Anyway, he has to go back to work tomorrow and I will move all my stuff from hostel to my new place ?