It's more than a month ago that I wrote I'm so sorry for that, bur for me the time goes by so fast. It's almost august I can't believe that. but well. last week we were in North Dakota in Medora. Medora is a little 300 people town for tourists. So its's all made to look like western and everything is perfectly clean and nice. I was up there, because we had a seminar for the trainees in north and south dakota. so we went up there on the 22 and stayed ( my first time) in a motel. on the 23 we could do what we wanted, so my little group stopped in dickinson and I bought more Levis jeans and a belt.
In Medora itself we went to the pitchfork-fondue (mistgabel-fondue) which was really good. the steak was just perfect, but they gave me a really little one so I asked for another one. Ususally you get only one but I got two and the organization paid for all that so that was a good deal.
Now I want to travel more............... that was really fun. the driving for hours on the boring interstate and highways makes you really sleepy but I guess that´s america.
I hope you are all alright at home love ya