Hello everyone,
yesterday I arrieved in Leeuwarden at 8 pm. The girl who took me their drove quiet fast because we just needed one and a half hour. Normaly you need at least two hours. During the tour I was sleeping most of the time because I did not do that at night.
When I arrieved in Leeuwarden my roommates and me orderd some pizza. We were quiet curious about it because we did never do that before in Leeuwarden. But the pizza was quiet good and everyone was happy :).
Today I woke up at 9.30 am and went to university at 10.00 am. This week my group starts up with the new media theme. So we have to design a website within two weeks. Today we just figured out what content the website will consist of. We will probably make a website about the audiovisual theme we just worked some weeks ago where we created a TV magazine. So we will provide some information about the coaches and the tutor of this theme and want to publish all items which where made for this magazine.
Now I am finished with university for today and will go home in a few minutes. But then I also have to do much work for university.
Tomorrwo I will visit a friend in Groningen. After that I will inform you about my day in Groningen.
See you