Last Sunday is have landed in Australia, and now the first week is already over. About 20 more to go :)) It was a very interesting week, I met a lot of new people and saw a lot of great things. The school is located in the middle of the town, near a Train Station called town hall. I have a journey about 30 minutes by train. I think that is okay, even if it is sometimes a little bit exhausting to get home in the evening. Maybe I'm going to change into a Student House near the city. I have also met some new friends from different countries at school - Swiss, German, Italian, etc...there are various nationalities. Sometimes when the school is over, there is a mix of different languages, it can be really hard to handle that ;-) The Level in my course is quite high, I was a little bit shocked at the first day. We had to do an entry test, it was really easy and so i wasn't worried about my English knowledge - after the first lesson I was. However, I'm now on top of control.
It was also the first time I ate Sushi - I just love it and I'm going to have a lot of it during my time in Sydney. There is a big population with an Asian influence in Australia, so it is never difficult to find any Asia Food :)
Last Saturday we were at Manly Beach. To be honest, I was a little bit disappointed when I first saw the beach, it wasn't that spectacular I expected it to be. But it is still a beautiful beach with a lot of surfers. By the way, I'm going surfin' next weekend - it's called Surf Camp, I'm really excited! :D
I took some great pictures from the Opera House (made them when I did my trip to Manly by ferry last saturday), maybe I'm able to upload some of these here, otherwise you will find them on Facebook.
I also wanna to thank you for your comments. It's always a pleasure to read some wishes and news. Thank you!
I have to go to bed now, have to be ready for a new week! :) See you soon, bye!