Secret KOKKA wood (wood Moses)
Every creation of God Almighty has many advantages and confidential,
either visible or still hidden. Sunlight and
rain fertilize the earth, to grow herbs
Countless with various properties and benefits
contained on a His permission.
The scholars and historians say that Kaoka / Kokka is a type of
The most high timber value and quality. This wood has been used
since time immemorial by the people of his day and
of which is for the U.S. shipbuilding Noah, stick Prophet
Musa (Moses could be called wood), sticks and prayer beads Prophet Shu'aib U.S.
Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Kaoka / Kokka very famous and popular, especially in mainland Malay
including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and other countries
Other Muslims.
Currently Kaoka / Kokka found only in Nigeria, Turkey, Madagascar
and Iran, with some differences, namely that grows in the forest
and coastal, and the young and old.
Characteristic Kaoka / Kokka: Sink into the water (not floating),
always seems greasy and has a distinctive scent Kaoka / Kokka.