Yep I'll be here for a while ;)
The other day (on some rare sunny, warm weather) I went to Lyttelton. Now, in fairness, the museum and timeball were both closed (and the Christchurch gondola I decided was too expensive) ... but I think the overall feel of the town could be improved personally - by the addition of a promenade (as a beach seems infeasible, it being the major port of Christchurch). What's the point in having fish and chips and ice cream shops without a place to eat them? There's no where for the seagulls to land and pester you, or for the wind to blow sea salt into your eyes...
The high street is oddly removed from the waterfront up a hill and the place just seems kind of..."meh". So I returned to the lovely centre of Christchurch which I still love, and went to the free museum and free art gallery ^_^ In Christchurch museum is the Paua shell house that was originally in Bluff, and the Bluff residents are distinctly miffed that it got moved to ChCh instead of staying as the major tourist attraction in Bluff.
I popped into a music shop to see if there were any uke groups about and the music shop building had been totally unaffected by the quake. Unfortunately the buildings either side of it were's very strange the way the quake damage is distributed really.