Thanks to all for the well wishes :)
Though I'd make a post about the quake. I think the house I'm in that survived the quake deserves an honorable mention so I've put up a picture (my room is top right). Also pics of some of the more significant areas of damage in our house, and a pic which is of "As close as I can get to the city centre" 0 i.e. not very far, because they have police blocked it right off about 20 mins walk away from the centre. They blocked it off much further down than I expected them too. It was still very dusty/smoggy, even at that distance.
Still no water but we have a portaloo and water distribution place about half a mile away now. I went exploring round my part of the suburb and it all seems basically fine round here. Since the hostel I was going to move into has closed, I'm staying here until Mum arrives on the 7th :) For some reason, the person who was going to move into my room decided to cancel, heh.
My poor lovely little Christchurch. *hugs city*. There's piles of sludge all over the place, and cracks and things, but I think Sydenham (my suburb) fared pretty well considering.
So that's my live update! Sorry the pics aren't more dramatic... they want people to stay out of the way and I respect that, so, ya know.