City/State where you are from: Drexel/Missouri
City/State where you live now (if it is different than where you are from): Louisburg/Kansas
Current Profession/Job: K-12 Art/Assistant Football, Track, Weightlifting Coach
Ideal Job/Profession (if different than what you doing now): Working in a full time capacity for an athletic department. I would like to be a coach or an athletic director for a small college.
What you hope to gain/learn from this Master?s Program: I want to to become the best athletic director that I can be. I want to be able to sever my future athletes and coaches to the best of my ability. I hope to build a sports program that is known for its high character athletes and coaches.
Your favorite sports team(s) to follow: Missouri Tigers, Kansas City Chiefs, Sporting KC
Add anything else you would like to share about yourself (family, hobbies, skills, etc?): My wife and I are expecting our first child in mid-May. I am both excited and nervous about that. I play electric guitar in my church's praise band. I also have played/coached football at the collegiate, semi-pro, and high school levels. I feel that when I'm coaching and helping athletes I'm at my best.