City/State where you are from: Plymouth, Minnesota
City/State where you live now (if it is different than where you are from): Mineapolis, Minnesota
Current Profession/Job: I currently have multiple jobs, including as a HS girls basketball coach and working for a small nonprofit, where I am in charge of taking students on volunteer trips to India and Africa. I also am an event producer both independently and for a few different event planning companies.
Ideal Job/Profession (if different than what you doing now): I would like to be either a High School or College Athletic Director.
What you hope to gain/learn from this Master?s Program: I hope to learn more about the inner workings of HS and college athletics and then also I would like to gain more knowledge in the sports world and atmosphere. I am just really excited to get this new chapter of my career started and am looking forward to learning anything and everything (as corny as that sounds!).
Your favorite sports team(s) to follow: I love any NCAA men's and women's basketball. I currently am a big fan of Duke, Stanford and of course, any Minnesota Team.
Add anything else you would like to share about yourself (family, hobbies, skills, etc?): I am one of two daughters, therefore my sister and I are girly tomboys who own our own power tools and can talk sports with the best of them! My first niece was born a year ago, and she is the light of our family...and the most spoiled one too! I love coaching, playing basketball and volleyball and also staying busy!