On Monday I went with my Team to Grinstead which is kind of the headquarter of Teachers Group. We met different students from other schools in Denmark and heard presentations about the work of the Teachers Group.
On Thursday evening I finally went on a trip to Tvind with the kids of the dayschool. We were about 20 people who drove in 3 buses. The travel took 6 hours because we made a lot of senseless stops to give the kids the possibility to reduce their life expectency by smoking (at the patrolstation, of course not very dangerous) and buying planty of chocolate and candy. The travel was quite strenuous for me because four kids kept touching and talking to me all the time nonestop while I was trying to sleep and get my self to believe that this adventure will be fun.
Fortuneately the teachers decided to keep my life worth living by not having me sleep in sheilas room. I stayed in a room with 2 teachers and 3 students which gave me the opportunety to get some sleep.
Next morning we got up at 6 (in the middle of the night for me), got dressed and found out the breakfast will be two hours later whcih means we could have easily slept until 7.30 a.m. (still the middle of the night but closer to the morning) which kind of pissed me off. The rest of the day was surprisingly fun, I had the opportunity to try a lot of fun sports like axe trowing, shooting, climbing and jumping on a trampoline. I also managed to motivated the kids to do some sports and actually to like it, that was a good experience because I was not sure I would be able to get them to do anything because it is usually not easy to get them to do anything. I think this weekend helped to build up a better relationship to the kids since we spend a lot of quality time together.
I was also very happy to see my teammates who I missed very much during the week when I coludn't join them because I had to stay in Lindersvold and do my work. On the other hand it was good that I came later because that way I did not have to organise things, I could simply enjoy the event together with the kids.
At the end we actually made a very good fourth place at the olympics which was a great surprise for use. I am very proud of the kids, I think they gave their best and learned a lot about working as a team.
After all it was a fun weekend and the memories will last for a long time.