Ein neues Jahr und Beginn der "Nature and Adventure Neuseeland" Tour.
Teilnehmer: Dominik Wischnewski - Timo Hengge - Valentin Lowitzki - Tobias Barning - Alex Lubin - Tim Krist - Ben Abele - Sarah Jacksties and Leah Jacksties- Anja Thiele - Martina Jacques und Freddy.
Grillparty, Schokofontaine und Erdbeeren, Spiele und schoenes Feuerwerk in Auckland (eigentlich zwei - Sky Tower und Hilton Hotel).
Spaeter Start nach Fruehstueck in Auckland. Fahrt zur Coromandel Halbinsel, Hot Water Beach, WEllenreiten und Spass am Strand. Abendessen und anschliessend Besuch der heissen Quellen am Strand von Hot Water Beach unter atemberaubenden Sternenhimmel.
New Years Eve Party at Active Planet head quarters. BBQ and chocolate fountain, games night and trip to Auckland to greet 2011. Fireworks display (quite amazing) of the Sky Tower and private operator in front of Hilton Hotel.
Late start and breakfast, trip to the Coromandel Peninsula, body boarding and fun on the beach.
Dinner at Seabreeze Holiday Park and another visit of the famous hot springs that were now accessible due to low tide. A nice finish for the first day of 2011 under a sparkling and star studded sky.