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myMapBlog.com » Novità

Scheduled server relocation: Update


The date for the server relocation is fixed now. It will happen on monday, 6th of december, at 5pm (CET/MEZ). After synching all data to the new server, the whole project will be back online at the usual address. It might take up to 24h until you’ll be able to reach the content under myMapBlog.com due to the change of the DNS-entry.
[UPDATE 6:31pm] The relocation has been successfully completed. As mentioned before it might take until tomorrow for the DNS-change to take effect on all servers/routers and the pages will be accessible from all over the world.

Scheduled server relocation


As some of you might have noticed: there’ve been some problems with the availability of myMapBlog over the last week. For now everything is running smooth again, all blogs are reachable. Unfortunately we’ll have to move on new server and there’ll be some downtime during this process. The exact date will be anounced, once it’s known.
At least until we’re on the new server the visitor-counters on the blogs will be deactivated, since there’s been a problem with those. The old counter reading is stored and as soon as there’s a new solution, those will be restored.
The good news is: After all this there’ll be more capacity for myMapblog and the further development will be continued.



Tonight (11pm CET, 14th of jan.) we will move our server. To achieve that we will have to change the the DNS-record. The actual changes performed by us, will thake only a couple minutes, but it might take some time until these changes are updated to all Servers. Summing up: depending on your location myMapBlog.com might not be accessible for 10min or in the worst case up to a few hours.

- UPDATE 23:29 – The changes are completed, all functions are avaiable again.



As you have probably recognized, there were some problems with this service during the last 24 hours. The database was routinely updated, this caused some problems with the connection. At the time of writing this issue is solved and all blogs are accessible again. I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Flash Player 10


Currently we are focussing on a complete new relaese of myMapBlog, which will support Flash Player 10. It is nearly one year ago since Adobe announced this version of its famous Flash Player and most visitors of myMapBlog have already updated their systems to this version. Updating is highly recommended since the new version does not only perform faster and supports more functions, but includes some security fixes as well. Today Adobe anounced already a beta Flash Player 10.1 so I use this as a occasion to inform visitors with older versions about the possibility of an update.
The latest version of Adobe’s Flash Player can always be found directly at their website.